Second response to adjusted Roch Gate planning application

Following our update on our first response to the privately owned land (formerly Roch Gate Motel) being considered for planning permission to house 18, 2 bed properties, we submitted a second response to the adjusted planning application (now for 14 homes, including four one-bedroom flats, six semi-detached one-bedroom bungalows and four houses with four bedrooms).

Western Telegraph covered this in an article on 19th July 2021, to which we responded privately to clarify our stance on the situation.

Our formal response to Western Telegraph submitted on 21st July 2021 read as follows:

With regard to your article on replacing the Roch Gate Motel I’d like to point out that last year Nolton and Roch community formed a Community Land Trust explicitly to create affordable housing for local residents.

Our concern is that there is very little opportunity for people to remain in the area because house prices and rents are often well beyond their means. Of particular concern is younger people growing up around here and wanting to stay local. It also applies to people who want to start a family or have growing families and need two or three bedrooms. Even a small family with just two children really needs three bedrooms if the kids are of opposite sex.

Last year, Nolton and Roch Community Land Trust conducted a professional housing needs survey to establish exactly what mix of housing is needed, including whether special facilities are required for assisted living. The survey identified a strong need for 2 and 3-bedroom houses with just 7% wanting 1 or 4-bed properties.

We have no agenda other than to serve local people by helping them to remain in the local area by providing suitable housing that they can afford. From our survey we would like to see a mix of houses built on the motel site, predominantly 2 and 3 bedroom with maybe a couple of 1-bed and 4-bed houses too.

Dave Smith,
Nolton and Roch CLT Chairman

Western Telegraph responded favourably, confirming they will be reporting further on this topic as things progress. We look forward to hearing the outcome of this planning application.
[image credit] Western Telegraph